In 1929, three math students began their adventure with cryptology.

Henryk Zygalski
Henryk Zygalski
Marian Rejewski
Marian Rejewski
Jerzy Różycki
Jerzy Różycki

It resulted in breaking the secret of the German encryption machine Enigma.


Our mission is to spread the memory of the success of Polish mathematicians, the conquerors of the Enigma cipher. This event had a significant impact on the fate of World War II and changed cryptology forever.

Unbreakable cipher
They did the impossible

Unbreakable cipher

The Enigma was a military encryption machine used by the German army from 1926 until the end of World War II. The machine generated unimaginable combinations and for a long time its cipher was considered unbreakable.

They faced it

Machine cipher

Learn the history of the encryption machine guarding the military secrets of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, which for many years was a challenge for the secret services of many countries.

Machine cipher
How did they do it?

Busters of the Enigma cipher

Polish cryptologists initiated a major revolution in cryptology. They launched thire attack on the code from a new mathematical perspective, rather than linguistic. Marian Rejewski discovered the cyclical nature of the Enigma cipher and then developed a mathematical model of a machine that he had never seen before and he never would see it! It was the key to the further success of the Polish team.

Henryk Zygalski
Henryk Zygalski
Marian Rejewski
Marian Rejewski
Jerzy Różycki
Jerzy Różycki
They made the impossible

Cipher Bureau Team

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